Mike’s Monday for Feb. 18th,2019. 


Good Evening Gleaners. This week I’d like to lead off with our most important item. We still have an opening for the office of TREASURER. The deadline to send a letter of candidacy to our President, Brandy Collier ([email protected]), is THIS WEDNESDAY. We will give all applicants seriously consideration at our next board meeting. Please read the job posting here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/eugeneareagleaners/permalink/2228885960698338/


We also have an opening for Booth Coordinator. Deadline for applying is March 1st.  We’re looking for someone who is not shy about asking for help, scheduling and holding others accountable for volunteer commitments. You need to be informed about our group and how we schedule and conduct our gleans. You don’t need to be at every event, but you should be available for questions the day-of, or have an assigned point-person day-of. You must be able to interact positively and cheerfully with internal and external customers, be able to operate transparently and have a professional attitude.  Please read the job description:



Brandy has been working hard to fill the coffers of our little organization. In recent days we’ve heard that one of our grant proposals has been accepted (no word yet on the amount) and she’s written 3 new ones this week. She’s also procured a very small tech donation to help make day-to-day operations run a little smoother.


Bobbi, our Bread Coordinator, has been working hard to expand the number of vendors donating breadstuffs to our drop sites. In the past week, she’s signed up… 

Lox, Stocks and Bagels

The Elegant Elephant (GLUTEN FREE) (details still pending)

Orowheat (details still pending)


PLEASE NOTE: GF baked goods are for those that have a legitimate gluten intolerance ONLY.


Please patronize these businesses as often as you can and thank them for their support of EAG. Thanx Bobbi.


Auction Update: The next planning meeting is scheduled for THIS FRIDAY at noon. Please contact the committee chair, Margaret Rose Nyburg for location information or instructions on how to Skype into the meeting.


Lastly, our Membership Coordinator, Lisa Barber Wages has approved 2 new members this week, Dianne Millman and Samuel Lidbom. Welcome.  Lisa also had to decline 4 more requests to join because they did NOT answer the required questions. Please tell all your friends who wish to join that they MUST answer the questions to join the group.


That’s all for this week.