Mike’s Monday for Mar. 11th, 2019. 


IT’S BEEN A QUIET WEEK IN LAKE WOBEGON (err… I mean the Gleaners)


After the big news in last week’s blog post, today’s seems downright antithetical. I’ve checked the mail twice since the big haul last Monday and the box has been empty both times. I suppose that’s too much to ask for.


Anyway, the snows from the 2019 Snowpocalypse are still hanging on. The surrounding hills are slowly shedding their blanket. And the snow down in town is now relegated to being black lumps in the corners of parking lots, slowly draining into the storm sewers.


But with the departing snow comes signs of life. Crocuses are blooming from under the last vestiges of snow and daffodils are rocketing towards the sky, trying to bloom in time for the annual Junction City Daffodil Drive scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday.


To go along with the sprouting flowers, many gleaners have been starting their garden plants for this summer. Many have extra seeds that they wish to share. Look for them at your local drop site. Please only take what you need and can use this year.


We actually had a “glean” this past weekend, if you want to call it that. Flower boxes, raised beds, dirt, and misc plants were removed from a property where they were no longer wanted. Many members now have their own gardens well underway because of this infusion of raised beds and good gardening soil. I haven’t heard the details, but I think it’s safe to assume that a good (muddy) time was had by most if not all involved.


Lastly, you still have one week left to submit your application to become our MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR. As the membership coordinator, you’d be the gatekeeper, in charge of who gets into the group, and making sure they know the rules. You’d also be responsible for answering any queries (either by phone, text, email, or FB) from potential members or directing them to BoD members that can. That means you need to be outgoing and passionate about gleaning and helping people. The job doesn’t take a whole lot of time. It can take as little as 30 seconds a day, but it is a DAILY job.  THIS IS A BOARD POSITION. If you have questions, please contact Brandy. To apply for this position, email your resume and/or letter of candidacy to the BoD at [email protected]. Deadline for applying is March 15th.  Please read the job description: https://goo.gl/nq5xhU


Until next week, that’s all from the Gleaners, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. (With apologies to Garrison Keillor.)

